
Filter out the unseen to keep water clean.

Our recommended pool filtration systems reduce the need for excessive maintenance, saving on chemicals, and ensuring a healthier pool environment with clear water.


Which pool filter is best for you?

Choosing the right pool filter starts with understanding the different types and how they work. Let our experts guide you through the options.

Sand Filter

A budget-friendly option that requires minimal maintenance, sand filters are ideal for in-ground or above-ground pools.

How a Sand Filter Works
As pool water is pumped through the filtration system, it's pushed through a filter tank filled with sand where contaminants and debris are caught on the spiky edges of each sand particle. Standard sand used in sand pool filters are capable of filtering contaminants that measure 20 microns and larger. As water continuously flows through the filter, the contaminants trapped between the sand begin to build up — eventually restricting the flow of water, increasing internal pressure and reducing the filter's efficiency. However, with proper maintenance, a sand filter will continue to keep your pool clear and clean.
Sand Filter Maintenance
While you only need to replace the sand in your pool filter every 5 to 7 years, occasionally you will need to backwash the filter to clear out all the built-up debris. This is an easy cleaning method that simply reverses the flow of water back through the sand filter, flushing debris out to waste. Knowing when to backwash a sand filter is easy. A pressure gauge on the sand filter alerts you when internal pressure increases and it's time to backwash the filter.
Sand Filter Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages: Low upfront cost, easy maintenance, sand lasts 5 to 7 years before needing to be changed, filtration efficiency can be boosted with additives or alternative media Disadvantages: 20-micron filtration is the least effective of the three types and backwashing is viewed by some as not environmentally friendly due to water waste.
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Diatomaceous Earth Filter

Diatomaceous earth (DE) filters are capable of filtering particles as small as 2 to 3 microns, providing the cleanest, clearest water of all three types of pool filters. However, DE filters are more expensive and require the most maintenance of the three pool filter options.

How a Diatomaceous Earth Filter Works
First and foremost, what is diatomaceous earth? It's a white powdery substance made from the crushed fossils of aquatic organisms called diatoms, often referred to as "water polishers" because they leave pool water sparkling clean. DE pool filter tanks contain several grids coated with diatomaceous earth. The diatoms act just like a sponge — water can pass through, but microscopic impurities like dirt, algae, and some forms of bacteria can't.
Diatomaceous Earth Filter Maintenance
Similar to sand filters, a pressure gauge on the tank lets you know when it's time to backwash. Be aware, some locations may have regulations that specify how to legally dispose of used DE. Further cleaning of the grids may be necessary each year to help your pool filter operate more efficiently and last longer. In this case, you would remove the grids from the filter tank and hose off excess dirt before soaking them in a filter cleaning solution to remove body oils, suntan lotions, organic materials and minerals. After every cleaning, you'll need to add more DE powder. Instead of adding the DE powder to the grids, you'll get better results by adding it through your pool's skimmer.
Diatomaceous Earth Filter Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages: Highest degree of water clarity, filters contaminants as small as 2 microns, DE powder can be added through the pool skimmer, no caustic chemicals are required for cleaning Disadvantages: Highest cost filter, requires more maintenance, grid needs to be replaced every 2 to 3 years, backwashing wastes water and may be restricted by location (check with your pool pro to find out), DE powder can be harmful if inhaled (Wear a mask!)
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Choose the Perfect Filter for Your Pool – Size Matters!

Whether you prefer a Sand Filter, Cartridge Filter, or D.E. Filter, selecting the right size is key to keeping your pool clean and efficient. Let our experts help you find the perfect filter, tailored to your pool’s specific needs, for optimal performance and crystal-clear water!

Key benefits of a pool filtration system.

Clean and Healthy Water. The primary benefit is maintaining clean, safe water by removing harmful contaminants, ensuring a hygienic pool for swimming.
Reduced Maintenance. Effective filtration minimizes the need for frequent brushing and vacuuming, reducing overall pool maintenance tasks.
Cost Savings. By keeping the water cleaner, a good filtration system can reduce the amount of chemicals needed to maintain proper water quality, saving money in the long run.
Improved Water Clarity. A properly functioning filter ensures crystal clear water, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the pool.
Better Water Circulation. A good filtration system promotes proper water circulation throughout the pool, ensuring even distribution of chemicals and preventing stagnant areas where bacteria can grow.
Algae Prevention. Regular filtration helps to prevent the growth of algae by removing debris that can contribute to its development.


Which valve is right for your needs?

Selecting the right pool or spa valve starts with understanding the different types and how they work. Let our experts guide you through the options.

Diverter Valve

The most requested swimming pool valve on the market. Diverter pool valves divert water and are available with two or three ports.

A 2-port valve essentially acts as a 1-way-in / 1-way-out valve, allowing for water flow to be shut off completely or to restrict the flow of water for a lower flow rate.

A 3-port valve provides more flexibility with one in-port and two out-ports that regulate the direction water flows.

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Check Valve

A pool check valve is a type of pool valve that provides for one-way water flow, or more importantly, to prevent the flow of water in the opposite direction.

Some pool check valves also allow you to monitor the flow of water through a clear lid to ensure proper pool check valve operation.

Pool check valves are most commonly used for the following reasons:

  1. For pool pads installed on higher ground or several feet above the pool water level to prevent water from draining back into the pool when the pump is not running.
  2. To prevent backflow of water from a chlorinator into a heater or filter. This water contains a high concentration of chlorine and can potentially damage the pool heater.
  3. To prevent backflow of water into a spa air blower which will damage the blower's motor.
  4. To prevent cycling of water in a loop, e.g. solar heater systems.
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Ball Valve

Similar to a two-way diverter valve, a ball valve is used to regulate the flow of pool water in one direction and is best utilized to shut off the flow of water completely.

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Select the Perfect Valve for your Needs.

Selecting the right pool or spa valve starts with understanding the different types and how they work. Let our experts guide you through the options.


Which valve is right for your needs?

Pool valve actuators automate the movement of a valve, and thus the directional flow of water, with control of the diverter valves anytime, anywhere from your mobile device using the iAquaLink app.

Valve Control Systems

Designed for use with 2-port and 3-port valves. Features maximum torque, 24VAC bi-directional motor.

  • CVA24 Valve Actuator
  • Helps prevent dead-heading of pumps
  • Corrosion-proof enclosure
  • Includes 25-ft. cable Service switch (for flow direction)
  • ETL recognized
  • UL listed for use with IntelliTouch® Automation
  • Operates Compool®, Ortega® or Jandy® Valves
  • Compatible with all 24VAC Control Systems

Selecting the right pool or spa valve starts with understanding the different types and how they work. Let our experts guide you through the options.

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Restoring and maintaining your pool equipment with precision is our passion.

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